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New Study Confirms Casual Relationships
to be Emotionally Healthy

In a recent study performed by the University of Minnesota researchers found the emotional wellbeing of individuals who listed their most recent sexual encounter as one with a casual partner to be no different than those who indicated they were in committed relationships.

The University study, polling a diverse sample of over 1300 adults, focused on participants’ most recent sexual encounters, relationship status and emotional wellbeing. Researchers also looked at depressive symptoms and self esteem issues. After analyzing the data collected, the study concluded adults engaging in casual sexual encounters do not appear to be at increased risk for harmful psychological outcomes as compared to sexually active young adults in more committed relationships.

The researchers divided responses by how subjects chose to categorize their relationship with their most recent sexual partner. Roughly 25% of respondents indicated they were in a committed relationship with a fiancée, spouse or life partner, 55% of respondents said it was an exclusive dating partner, 12% indicated it was with a close but not sexually exclusive partner...